Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Emotional Intelligence

Personalities, needs and wants, and ways of demonstrating emotional health vary from person to person. Exploring through all these things takes finesse and insight – especially if one wishes to succeed in life. This is where emotional intelligence comes into action.

Emotional intelligence, or emotional wellness, is the ability to perceive one’s emotions, comprehend them clearly-what they are indicating- and realize how others around one might be affected by them. It also includes a person’s impression of others, as in how they feel, allowing one to maintain relationships more effectively. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a great predictor of one's personal and professional success. People can develop their emotional intelligence further with the help of a trained mental health professional.

In recent years, research has led mental health professionals to place emotional intelligence (EQ) before one’s intelligence (IQ) for achieving prosperity in their lives and careers. Personal and professional growth in today’s society depends greatly on their ability to read other people and respond appropriately to them. Therefore, each individual must consider developing emotional intelligence skills for a better understanding, empathizing and negotiating with others.

"Your Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the level of your ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how to work cooperatively with them," says an influential Harvard theorist, Howard Gardner. The researchers have come up with five main categories of emotional intelligence skills.

Understanding the Five Categories of Emotional Intelligence

  1. Self-awareness - The ability to understand emotion as it appears is the code to your EQ. Improving self- awareness demands tuning in to your true feelings. If you are able to evaluate your emotions then you can easily manage them too. Some of the major elements of self- awareness are:
    • Emotional awareness - Your ability to acknowledge your own emotions and their impacts on the surroundings.
    • Self-confidence - Certainty about your self-worth and skills.
  2. Self-regulation - We often don't have complete control over our emotions. However, we can control the duration of these emotions by using various techniques which will mitigate negative emotions like anxiety,anger,depression or grief and keep a check on our emotional health. Some of these techniques constitute recasting a situation in a positive light, taking a long walk and prayer or meditation. Self-regulation comprises:
    • Self-control - Controlling one's disruptive impulses.
    • Trustworthiness - Keeping standards of honesty and sincerity.
    • Conscientiousness - Taking complete responsibility for your own performance.
    • Adaptability - Handling change with flexibility.
    • Innovation - Being welcoming to new ideas.
  3. Motivation -To motivate or push yourself toward any success requires definite goals and a positive attitude. Although you may possess an inclination to either a positive or a negative attitude, you can learn to think positively with effort and practice. If you are exposed to negative thoughts as they befall, then you can reframe those negative thoughts into more positive ones— which will help you to reach your goals. For instance, emotional intelligence in the workplace can motivate you to step forward and achieve new heights in the professional arena. Motivation comprises of:
    • Achievement drive - Your endless striving to better or to meet a standard of perfection.
    • Commitment - Aligning with the goals of the association or group.
    • Initiative - Preparing yourself to act on occasions.
    • Optimism - Pursuing goals persistently despite barriers and difficulties.
  4. Empathy -The skill to understand how people feel is essential to attain success in all areas of your life. The more skilled you are at recognizing the emotions behind others’ signals the better you can control the signals you send them. An empathetic person outshines at:
    • Service orientation - Predicting, identifying and meeting clients’ needs.
    • Developing others - Sensing whatever others require to improve and bolstering their abilities.
    • Leveraging diversity - Cultivating opportunities through various people.
  5. Social skills -The improvement of good interpersonal skills is equivalent to success in your life and career and maintain a healthy emotional well- being. In today’s globally-connected world, everyone has instant access to technical information. Thus, “people skills” are even more required and important than ever before now because you need to possess a high EQ to understand better, empathize and consult with others in a global economy. Among the most useful skills are:
    • Influence - Using effective persuasion tactics.
    • Leadership - Encouraging and guiding societies and people.
    • Change catalyst - Initiating or handling change.
    • Building bonds - Nourishing instrumental relationships.
    • Collaboration and cooperation - Working with others toward shared purposes.

How great you do in your life and career is decided by both EQ and IQ. In fact, mental and emotional health therapists generally agree that amongst the various elements towards success, IQ counts for approximately 10% (at best 25%) while the rest depends on everything else including EQ, making it utterly essential improving emotional intelligence and learning more about self-awareness psychology in order to excel in any aspect of your life.

Mental and emotional well- being is crucial to overall health. Positive mental health allows people to recognize their full potential, deal with the emotional disturbance of life, work effectively, and make their due contributions to the world.

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