Stress Management

Stress Management

What is Stress?

Stress is essentially your physical response to shifts or transitions in your life. It is a complex health concern to handle because it stems from psychological as opposed to physical threats. Managing stress and anxiety can be very complicated and frustrating. One can feel a lack of control over their lives that can lead to depression, addiction, apathy, and even various physical ailments. Good knowledge of stress and its causes is a crucial primary step towards boosting yourself defeat its adverse effects and learning the art of stress management.

Understanding Stress

You may frequently question yourself "why do I feel so stressed?"

We experience stress when we are overloaded and trying to cope with the needs of our everyday routine. Stress and anxiety can display itself in a myriad of ways every day like meeting an important deadline at work, feeling overwhelmed taking care of a newborn, feeling unprepared for an important exam and so on. This additional “weight on our shoulders” displays through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. For instance, you may notice that you get sick easily when you are stressed out. Stress is the primary cause of 60% of all human ailments and disorders like mood, behavioral, and thought disorder according to the American Institute of Stress. Besides this stress also escalates a person’s chances of heart diseases.

The short-lived stress helps improve one's performance or overcome a challenge. The natural “fight or flight” response of our bodies and adrenaline in times of short-term stress are known to give individuals incredible focus and energy. This “good” stress is known as Eustress and is as essential as it is to understand and manage as negative stress. This good stress is a significant part of our lives. However, stress that lasts for a long time can create problems at work or school, at home, and with relationships.

Signs of Stress :

The most terrible thing about stress is that it sneaks up on you quietly. It begins to feel familiar becoming a part of your daily life. Without even you noticing, it starts taking a toll on your health and wellbeing. That is why it's necessary to be aware of the common warning symptoms of stress and anxiety.

  • Difficulty in remembering things
  • Inability to stay focused
  • Poor judgment
  • Noticing only the negative things
  • Uneasy or racing thoughts
  • Constant distress
  • Depression or usual unhappiness
  • Moodiness or irritability
  • Feeling confused
  • Loneliness and isolation

How to manage stress?

Stress can affect anyone from adults to kids of all ages. According to the statistics of the American Psychological Association (APA), teens in the school reported having notably higher stress levels than what is estimated normal. Moreover, 31% of teens report feeling submerged in stress, and 30% report feeling depressed or sad due to pressure.

It may look like there’s nothing that you can do about stress. There will never be more than 24 hours in the day, the bills won’t stop coming, and your other responsibilities that of work and family will eternally be demanding. But what we don't realize is that we have a lot more control than we might consider. In fact, a mere awareness that we are in control of our life is the foundation of handling stress effectively. Stress management is all about taking command of your way of life, your thoughts, your feelings, and the way you deal with unfavorable situations. Regardless of how distressing your life may appear, there are steps on how to manage stress in life to reduce the unwanted weight off your mind and regain control.

Stress Management Techniques

Since now we are familiar with the basics of stress and its causes, we need to be aware of some essential strategies for managing stress at work and other areas of life.

  • Preparation: The feeling of not prepared well or enough for a certain work is one of the major causes of stress. Whether it’s a presentation at work, an exam at school, or any other expected hindrance; all can be handled properly making a plan to manage the situation subsequently reducing stress. This can be achieved in several forms, for instance making a study guide for a test, practicing in the mirror at home for a speech, or building an emergency kit for natural disasters. The feeling of being prepared enough for any situation helps in reducing stress and guide you on how to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Exercise: Exercise is a great stress reliever. Working out helps to control all the negative feelings and thoughts occurring in our lives by elevating our endorphins. Various studies have proved that exercise can help improve a person's mental along with the physical state. As stated by Scientific American magazine, long bouts of aerobic training release good chemicals in the blood which lessens anxiety and reduce the ability to feel pain.
  • Meditation: Meditation and breathing exercises are a great way to flush out the chaos and your head. According to APA meditation can “help people see new perspectives, develop self-compassion and forgiveness”. Meditating regularly or stealing a few moments out of your hectic schedule to take deep breathes can lessen the impact of stress on your mental and physical health.
  • Counseling: At times stress is too much for us to control on our own even after practicing these simple techniques. Some problems that trigger stress are extremely complex and require professional help. There is nothing to feel ashamed of in seeking stress management counseling or family counseling services. Building a connection with a family counseling center can be a very positive step towards managing and reducing stress.

Stress Management & Family Counseling

Visit Corporate & Family Counseling, PLLC for professional help. For decades, our stress experts have trained individuals, families and fortune-five hundred corporations alike. We’re ready to help you and yours thrive. We also supervise and train other therapists and medical professionals to measure progress and outcomes of treatment provided to their patients and clients, teaching them how to deal with stress. Life’s trials will always happen, are you ready? We’re glad to help you!

Contact Us for professional help. CALL US TO SCHEDULE A FIRST AVAILABLE APPOINTMENT NOW AT: (713) 904-5222.

Since 1995 our team of experts have provided counseling & coaching for individuals, families and fortune-five corporations alike. We are ready to help you and yours to thrive! Call us to schedule a first available now at: (713) 904-5222


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Corporate & Family Counseling, PLLC