Thought Disorders

Thought Disorders

How to Treat Thought Disorders?

A thought disorder refers to false beliefs or disorganized thinking persisting for at least one month.

Delusions are false beliefs.

Treating delusional disorder can be difficult but fortunately, help is available. Any thought disorder is considered a rare psychotic disorder involving delusions-false beliefs or obsessive thoughts leading to existential OCD. You may not seem mentally sick if you have this disorder which may make you oblivious to seek help resulting into impairment of your life. It is important to consider taking help if people associated with you are telling that what you think is wrong. This step can get you much required support. If someone around you has delusions, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional asking for help.

Treatment challenges

Hard to treat, these thought disorders were treated as a part of schizophrenia only. That's why people don't have much information about it as there is for others.

Also, it is difficult to acknowledge that you need help as individuals dealing with delusions do not feel ill. Rather, they feel offended when not believed or understood. In fact, these conflicts with others over beliefs may stop an individual from getting help.

And if you do look for help, there are ways for a mental health expert to confirm that you are experiencing delusions and/or hallucinations. For example, a person with either may:

  • Alter actions due to a specific belief
  • Act in a secretive or covert manner
  • Keep a belief that is not true or believable
  • Respond intensely if challenged
  • Have anyone close or a loved one who may observe odd behavior and challenge beliefs
  • Assert with an odd force that what they believe or perceive is true

Schizophrenia is a severe and lifelong thinking disorder that influences the thinking, feeling, and, the behavior of an individual. Schizophrenic people may look like they have lost their sense of being or reality. Although it is not as common as other psychotic disorders, its signs can be very damaging.

The signs and symptoms of schizophrenia vary depending on the individual.

  • Positive symptoms - Delusions and hallucinations. Also known as psychotic symptoms.
  • Negative symptoms - Elements that are taken away from a person. For instance, lack of facial expressions or absence of motivation.
  • Cognitive symptoms - These influence an individual's thought processes.
  • Emotional symptoms - Generally these are negative symptoms, such as crippled sentiments.

Schizophrenia Treatment

With proper therapy and medications, patients can lead fruitful lives giving them relief from the symptoms of schizophrenia.

According to psychoanalysts the most efficient therapy for schizophrenia patients is usually a blend of:

  • Medication
  • Psychological counseling
  • Self-help resources

Treatment options

Generally, both an antipsychotic and an antidepressant is provided to people undergoing delusions. These medicines may give temporary relief for a brief time but may not make beliefs go away permanently as there are no medications available specifically for thinking disorders.

Even having a healthy conversation with a psychologist can help you identify your false beliefs and assist you in changing them. Even if beliefs may not go away completely, therapy can help you manage stressful emotions about them. Research reveals that social skills training also helps people deal with delusions making them feel more confident and in charge.

Despite having these options, more research is required in this direction to understand the role of therapy and get more adequate medicines.

Hope for the future

People going through thought disorders function well on a daily basis as there are no other mood symptoms like stress, anxiety or depression to manage at the same time. Although these delusional beliefs may stay forever still, you can learn to cope with them.

You may feel there is no one who understands you and is repeatedly told that your beliefs are false. At times like that do not be afraid to reach out to a mental health professional for assistance. You can also call your loved one or talk to someone who understands you and find a reliable support in them. It may be tough to trust people when they are not able to accept your beliefs but, you must not overlook the help available.


National Alliance on Mental Illness (800) 950-NAMI

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